Cubs Fan

27th Jul 2015

24 (2001)

Day 4: 1:00 A.M.-2:00 A.M. - S4-E19

Question: After the President is injured in the plane crash, VP Logan is made President. While hiding in the bunker he says "they could be coming for me next." If they did attack Logan and he was severely injured also, who would take over as President? No VP was appointed after Logan was "promoted" so who is next in line?


Chosen answer: With no vice president, the Senate pro tempore would be next in the line of succession.

Cubs Fan

14th Feb 2008

24 (2001)

Show generally

Question: Whenever the agents are interrogating somebody at SCT, they sometimes torture them. By doing so they sometimes stick a needle into somebody and injects something into their bloodstream. This causes severe pain in the person as you can see them either scream or see the pain etched on their face as they try to hold it in. What is it they are injecting into people and how does it work that it causes so much pain?


Chosen answer: It's a fictional drug called hyoscine-penothal. I don't know if why it causes so much pain has been explained, but it's been described as a neural inflammatory; it gives the feeling of "every nerve ending in your body on fire." It's a useful tool because if one doesn't yield soon enough, at 8 cc's, one can go into cardiac arrest and die before giving up any useful information.

Cubs Fan

10th Nov 2007

24 (2001)

Answer: It's on the Special Features disc. With "Season 7 Preview" selected, press up on the remote. There should be a small "24" that appears. Press that, and you'll get the scene of Jack and Chloe on "The Simpsons."

Cubs Fan

3rd Aug 2007

24 (2001)

Season 1 generally

Question: Was Nina recruited as a spy before she joined CTU or after? Also, as she wasn't working just for the Drazens, what was her primary mission?

Answer: According to Jack in season 5, Nina was "deep cover" before the pair ever met, so it's safe to assume she was recruited before she joined CTU. As for what her primary mission was, who knows? Perhaps it was to gather sensitive intel and pass it on to her superiors. Given that she worked for an intelligence agency, it's not a stretch. Or perhaps we may find out in season seven.

Cubs Fan

3rd Aug 2007

24 (2001)

Answer: Guest stars must share screen credit with one or two other guest stars, but Yulin wanted his name to appear alone. The producers wouldn't allow it, so Yulin decided to remain uncredited.

Cubs Fan

5th Apr 2007

24 (2001)

Season 5 generally

Question: What happened to Evelyn and Amy after Henderson's people find them at the motel and shoot the EMT's? Do they kill them?

Answer: From what I remember, we don't know, but to me, it's implied that Henderson does kill them.

Cubs Fan

15th Aug 2005

24 (2001)

Season 4 generally

Question: Strangely, unlike seasons 2 & 3, there's no option to branch the deleted scenes back in to season 4 and on disc 7, the first deleted scene is under the heading "Season 4 Director's Cut Promo". Is this really as black and white as it seems or am I missing something? Has anyone heard any rumours, or facts, that Fox is planning to release Season 4 Director's Cut in the near future?


Chosen answer: The "Director's Cut Promo" on Disc 7 is just that: a Season 4 promo, in the form of a prequel that bridges Seasons 3 and 4. The context of "Director's Cut" that we normally think of has nothing to do with it.

Cubs Fan

31st Mar 2005

24 (2001)

Season 3 generally

Question: Why is everyone so convinced that Tony will be spending at least 20 years in prison, if he's not executed? Considering all that he's been through during the day, including nearly being killed and nearly losing his wife to a horrible virus, and then seeing terrorists trying to take out her eye, wouldn't he stand a great chance at a temporary insanity plead?

Answer: It's because he put Michelle's life and safety ahead of National Security (he even admits this when he's questioned by Brad Hammond from Divison). If you think about it, it's more than reminiscent of Jack's attempts to save Kim and Teri in Season 1.

Cubs Fan

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