Cubs Fan

14th Oct 2021

Supergirl (2015)

13th Mar 2020

Supergirl (2015)

Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One - S5-E9

Trivia: One question Marv Wolfman continues to get asked at fan conventions is why he killed Kara off in the "Crisis" comics. With so many characters established as having survived Krypton's destruction - including Clark, Kara, Krypto the Superdog, criminals banished to the Phantom Zone, and the bottled Kandor - his goal was to make Superman unique as the planet's sole survivor; killing Kara gave him the creative freedom to return Clark to his origin as the Last Son of Krypton.

Cubs Fan

21st Nov 2019

Supergirl (2015)

Event Horizon - S5-E1

Lena Luthor: I'm not a villain. I don't wanna kill Supergirl; I just want her to experience the same hurt she inflicted on me. And soon enough, she will.

Cubs Fan

15th Oct 2019

Supergirl (2015)

Event Horizon - S5-E1

Stupidity: Kara's glasses are a logistically impractical place for Brainy to put the motion sensor that materializes and de-materializes her new super suit, since she only wears them as part of her civilian disguise. As a 12th-level intellect, surely Brainy could invent a more pragmatic means of allowing her to change from superhero to civilian.

Cubs Fan

29th Sep 2019

Supergirl (2015)

26th Jun 2019

Supergirl (2015)

26th Oct 2018

Supergirl (2015)

26th Oct 2018

Supergirl (2015)

American Alien - S4-E1

Character mistake: President Marsdin says that Camp David was named by President Eisenhower in honor of his son and grandson. It was actually named for his father and his grandson; his sons were named John and Doud.

Cubs Fan

25th Jul 2018

Supergirl (2015)

Human for a Day - S1-E7

Character mistake: When Kara breaks her arm, she says that she doesn't need to go to a hospital because the bone will heal when her powers return. She would still need a splint or a cast to ensure that the bone sets in place properly; leaving it untreated runs the risk of a physical deformity or other unforeseen complications down the road.

Cubs Fan

27th Apr 2018

Supergirl (2015)

In Search of Lost Time - S3-E15

Continuity mistake: When Samantha sees the surveillance video of her transformation into Reign, which was triggered by Lena provoking her, their dialogue is slightly, but very distinctly, different than it was a few minutes earlier. (00:20:15 - 00:25:25)

Cubs Fan

20th Feb 2018

Supergirl (2015)

20th Dec 2017

Supergirl (2015)

20th Dec 2017

Supergirl (2015)

The Faithful - S3-E4

Trivia: James and Winn find a meeting of Coville and his followers to be "a little cult-y." Melissa Benoist plays Rachel Koresh, the wife of cult leader David Koresh, in the miniseries Waco, a dramatization of the Waco siege - the 1993 standoff between the ATF and FBI and Koresh's Branch Davidians that lasted 51 days and resulted in 86 deaths.

Cubs Fan

12th Dec 2017

Supergirl (2015)

20th Nov 2017

Supergirl (2015)

Midvale - S3-E6

Kara: If you're so worried about my driving, why didn't you say anything yesterday?
Alex: Because yesterday, getting into an accident didn't seem like a big deal. Today, I would like to avoid it.
Kara: Progress.

Cubs Fan

20th Nov 2017

Supergirl (2015)

Midvale - S3-E6

Kara: So, J'onn says to head straight back to the DEO, and if we scratch his car, he'll put us in containment.
Alex: Well, you'd better let me drive, then.
Kara: Why? I'm a great driver.
Alex: You almost killed us twice coming up here.
Kara: That possum came from nowhere.

Cubs Fan

18th Nov 2017

Supergirl (2015)

Midvale - S3-E6

Plot hole: After Kara and Alex are run off the road, Kara is convinced by "Noel Neill", revealed later to be J'onn, to stop using her powers. From context, J'onn had to have been summoned by Eliza, but in 2007, she would still think he's just Hank Henshaw; she doesn't learn he's not, or even that he's a shapeshifter, until 2016, as seen in season 1's "Myriad", well after Kara and Alex have grown up.

Cubs Fan

18th Nov 2017

Supergirl (2015)

1st Dec 2016

Supergirl (2015)

Medusa - S2-E8

Stupidity: At the beginning, James and Winn argue in whispers about who gets to tell Kara that James is the Guardian, a secret they've been keeping from her, both of them apparently forgetting that she has superhuman hearing.

Cubs Fan

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