Cubs Fan

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie where Jack Ryan is testifying to the Senate Oversight Committee, he is called to the stand as John Ryan.

Correction: John is Ryan's given name. "Jack" is simply the name he prefers to go by, and it is a common nickname for people named John.

Cubs Fan

Corrected entry: Wormtail killed Cedric, not Voldemort, so why does Cedric come out of Voldemort's wand?

Correction: Wormtail used Voldemort's wand to kill Cedric. Shortly afterwards, Voldemort asks Wormtail for his wand back, which Wormtail coughs up.

Cubs Fan

Corrected entry: After Obi-Wan cuts Darth Maul's lightsabre handle in half, one half falls to the floor. It can't have fallen into the pit, because of Maul's position when the sabre was cut in half. But in the following wideshot, the part that got cut off is nowhere to be seen, and it did not make a sound if it hit the ground. (00:56:45)

Correction: The half that Obi-Wan cuts off flies into a panel on a wall. If you look closely in said wide shot, you can see the wall panel with smoke billowing out of it.

Cubs Fan

Correction: True, but Daimon is the Ferengi equivalent of a Starfleet Captain.

Cubs Fan

6th Feb 2003

Manhunter (1986)

Corrected entry: Francis Dolarhyde's name is spelled with one l, but on the driver's license displayed in the film, it is spelled with two.

Correction: This is a discrepancy between the movie and the "Red Dragon" novel, not a mistake within the movie.

Cubs Fan

Corrected entry: When Han was frozen in carbonite in "the Empire Strikes Back", his arms were bound by a leather strap. But when he is unfrozen, his arms are free. (01:18:25)

Correction: Just before Han was frozen, his hands were unbound by the Ugnaughts.

Cubs Fan

Corrected entry: In the original Star Wars, Obi-Wan gives Luke his father's lightsaber, which is green. The lightsaber taken by Obi-Wan from Anakin after the final fight scene in this film is blue.

Correction: The lightsaber Obi-Wan gives to Luke in "Star Wars" has the blue blade. When that one is lost in "The Empire Strikes Back," Luke constructs a new one for himself. The new one has the green blade.

Cubs Fan

19th Mar 2005

24 (2001)

Day 2: 9:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M. - S2-E2

Corrected entry: Jack flies by helicopter to meet Joseph Wald's crew accompanied by Michelle. A few moments after he is dropped off by the helicopter he calls CTU. Miraculously Michelle has already arrived back at CTU and is working on her computer.

Correction: After the helicopter drops him off, Jack calls CTU and talks to Mason. Michelle doesn't appear at all during this conversation. Michelle does appear later when George heads down to the main floor; it's possible that she returned to the office during George's conversation with Jack.

Cubs Fan

10th Oct 2002

Red Dragon (2002)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Dragon sets the ring of fire, he fires a shot and Emily is covered in blood. During the whole scene, Ralph (the man who is shot) is nowhere to be found, despite several wide shots of the fire being lit. How did the Dragon pull him through the fire, hold him up, and then shoot him in the head without moving out of the room?

Correction: It's possible that Dolarhyde already had Ralph's body in the room, someplace strategically hidden (i.e. in the room, but not in a place that is easily visible to the audience).

Cubs Fan

15th Jan 2005

Alias (2001)

Show generally

Corrected entry: In the first season of the show, when we see footage of Irina Derevko being interrogated, she has a strong Russian accent. However, when Sydney actually meets her in season 2, she speaks with no accent at all.

Correction: She could be speaking with an American accent as a part of her manipulations of the CIA. As revealed as the series goes on, Jack doesn't trust Irina at all, and tries to persuade Sydney not to trust her, either, claiming that Irina is just using the CIA for her own plans.

Cubs Fan

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