
4th Jan 2022

West Side Story (2021)

4th Jan 2022

West Side Story (2021)

4th Jan 2022

West Side Story (2021)

Continuity mistake: When Tony is below Maria's fire escape, there's a shot of her back with her fingers grabbing the platform. Shot changes to Tony's POV where she moves her hand and changes her grip. Then shot goes back to the previous angle of her still with the same grip.


3rd Jan 2022

Pinocchio (1940)

Continuity mistake: Inside the whale, Figaro winds the fishing line with his tail and stares at Gepetto. A shot later the cat has swapped his position 180°. (01:14:42)


2nd Jan 2022

Pinocchio (1940)

Continuity mistake: When the Coachman takes the kids away the number of kids differs notably between the wide and close-up shot, most notably Pinocchio and Lampwick, who are missing but magically appear in the close-ups (not because of the perspective of the angles, for one can notice an empty space between the Coachman's legs where the kids should be seated).


1st Jan 2022

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

Ghostbusters 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After they trap the Scoleri Brothers, Spengler lifts his foot from the trap mechanism. In the immediate angle his foot is still on it, and he is lifting it again.


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