Jeff Swanson

29th Dec 2007

Bewitched (1964)

Trivia: Elizabeth Montgomery herself chose the name 'Tabitha' for the name of her TV daughter; actor Edward Andrews had a daughter with that name and Elizabeth liked the 'old fashioned' way it sounded. But at first the name was spelled 'Tabatha' in the credits and Elizabeth disliked it.

Jeff Swanson

27th Oct 2007

Evan Almighty (2007)

Trivia: Although Amy Davidson played the younger daughter in the show (presumably 14 or 15), she was actually 23 when the show debuted in 2002.

Jeff Swanson

31st Jul 2007

The Last Mimzy (2007)

Trivia: Rhiannon Leigh Wryn, who played Emma, was also the voice of Mimzy; her voice was digitally altered and added in post-production.

Jeff Swanson

11th Jul 2007

I Am Sam (2001)

Trivia: Dakota Fanning's younger sister Elle makes her film debut, portraying Lucy at age 2. Incidentally, both Dakota and Elle go by their middle names; Dakota's full name is Hannah Dakota Fanning while Elle is Mary Elle Fanning.

Jeff Swanson

27th Apr 2007

The Brady Bunch (1969)

Trivia: Susan Olson, who played Cindy, loved the TV show 'Family Affair' and begged her mother to give her a 'Buffy' hairdo. The producers loved her hair that way and so for several seasons, she wore it that way (and grew to hate it).

Jeff Swanson

11th Mar 2007

Tootsie (1982)

14th Jan 2007

Gilligan's Island (1964)

Trivia: In the opening credits of the black-and-white episodes, the US flag at the marina is at half-mast because the opening was filmed shortly after the Kennedy assassination.

Jeff Swanson

25th Nov 2006

Home Alone (1990)

Trivia: There is a scene where Kevin is walking past a driveway just as Harry and Marv are driving down it, and they stop just in time to avoid hitting him. This was achieved by having Macaulay Culkin walk backwards, as the van was driven in reverse away from him; the film was then shown backwards. It's hard to tell - but if you look at the smoke from the exhaust, it's drifting toward the van rather than away from it. (00:42:15)

Jeff Swanson

2nd Nov 2006

Christine (1983)

Trivia: When Arnie and Leigh discover that the car has been trashed at Darnell's Garage and Arnie suddenly turns on Leigh, yelling at her and shoving her backwards, note the look of shock on her face - it's real. Keith Gordon (Arnie) explains on the DVD that in rehearsing the scene, he purposely didn't react as violently, so when the scene was shot, his behavior change actually shocked Alexandra Paul (Leigh). (00:57:20)

Jeff Swanson

2nd Jul 2006

Full House (1987)

Love on the Rocks - S7-E19

Trivia: Prior to filming this episode, Jodie Sweetin broke her arm. There wasn't enough time to re-write the script to explain her injury so for this episode she was dressed in an oversized long-sleeved shirt to hide her cast. It wasn't until the following episode that her cast was revealed and the injury explained.

Jeff Swanson

4th May 2006

Drake and Josh (2004)

Trivia: Lucy was played by Liliana Mumy, who is the daughter of Bill Mumy who was in the 1960s TV show "Lost In Space." In the kid-friendly commentary, this is referred to but not directly stated; the filmmakers merely remark on the resemblance.

Jeff Swanson

Trivia: The cartoon sequence that's shown while Roy is hallucinating, is based on a Saturday morning cartoon called 'The Brady Kids' which ran from 1972 to 1974. The pandas were named Ping and Pong while the myna bird was named Marlon.

Jeff Swanson

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