
Silicon Avatar - S5-E4

Corrected entry: When Dr. Marr arrives on the Enterprise, she states that she's excited because there have never been survivors from an attack from the Crystalline Entity. They also state that the Entity consumes all organic matter (including bacteria) and leaves none behind. Later, when Dr. Marr and Data are inspecting the cave the colonists took refuge in, she states that on two other planets, victims took refuge in caves and still perished. Now if the Entity consumes all organic matter (including bacteria) and there were no survivors, how would they know where the colonists took refuge, or even if they took refuge there at all? If all organic matter is gone, then there would be no trace of the colonists remaining.


Correction: Synthetic clothes, equipment, luggage, any non-organic items the people had on them would be piled up in the caves. Once you know you're dealing with something that consumes all organic material, it wouldn't be hard to figure out what happened when you find a pile of polyester shirts and piles of keys and such lying in a cave.

Gary O'Reilly

The Big Goodbye - S1-E12

Corrected entry: When Picard leaves the holodeck after the holodeck character kisses him, the lipstick remains on his face. As we're told later in the episode, matter created on the holodeck cannot exist outside the holodeck. So once Picard left, the lipstick should have vanished since it came from a holodeck character. The "correction" that says simple matter can leave the holodeck is incorrect, since in another episode, they throw a book (which is simple matter) out of the holodeck and it dissolves.


Correction: The book was, as you pointed out, thrown. It was not being carried by a person. The technical manual states that many of the objects on the holodeck are in fact generated using the standard replication process. But when Picard threw the book, the holodeck simply recycled the energy from that book, the same way the food replicators recycle any food left over. When Picard walks off with lipstick on his face, or when Data walks off with a piece of paper that Moriarty gave him on "Elementary, Dear Data", the system allowed those things to be carried out without recycling them. You can take issue with what makes the holodeck decide when to recycle material or not, but the fact is simple: some simple objects can be taken off of the holodeck.


Corrected entry: When Bond asks if anything unusual has happened on the island, Tiger says something to the effect of "Everything's just so normal. Nothing happens here". But to hollow out the crater of the volcano and build a rocket launch facility would be a major construction undertaking that would require large numbers of workers, construction material and equipment and would have taken quite a while to complete. How could the islanders not notice a construction project of that magnitude?


Correction: With the amount of money involved to do the project, the islanders could easily have been paid off or threatened to keep quiet.


Corrected entry: When Bond goes back to the control room to hit the self-destruct button, he goes in completely unarmed. Bond is supposedly the best secret agent in the world, but as he's going up the stairs, with dead bodies and weapons all around him, he doesn't pick up a weapon before going into a room where armed guards are most likely present.


Correction: It's never stated anywhere that Bond is "the best secret agent in the world." He's a skilled agent, yes. But also not immune to arrogance.

JC Fernandez

Final Mission - S4-E9

Corrected entry: Why would the Enterprise need to tow the barge all the way through the asteroid belt? The reason given was they needed the deflector shields to clear a path through the asteroid belt. They could easily tow it enough to build up enough inertial speed, and then calculate the correct trajectory and have the computer tell them when to cut it loose on that trajectory towards the sun. Then increase speed and pull out ahead and clear out a clear path for the barge to pass through at a safe distance. The only reason to do it the way they did was to make it more dramatic.


Correction: You assume the asteroids are stationary. If the Enterprise is too far ahead, a stray asteroid could still enter the barge's path.

JC Fernandez

16th Mar 2010

The Replacements (2000)

Corrected entry: If the players quit in the middle of the season, why is the head cheerleader recruiting a new squad? If the season had already begun, the squad would have already been chosen. And if the players went on strike, why would the cheerleaders also go on strike? It doesn't make any sense.


Correction: The cheerleaders refused to perform in support of the players on strike. The head cheerleader didn't quit because she didn't agree with the striking players' demands.


Corrected entry: Twice in the film, the Lektor is referred to as "a new Lektor decoding machine. Immediately after, it's said that someone (CIA and MI6) "has been after one for quite some time" or "had wanted one for years". If it's a new decoding machine, how could they have wanted one for such an extended period of time?


Correction: The decoding machines have existed for some time. The Lektor machine is referred to as 'new' because it is the latest model/ version that works on the same principle as the previous machines.

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