Kirill Ostapenko

4th Jun 2005

I, Robot (2004)

Question: As Detective Spooner looks down on the street and sees the robot running with what he assumes to be a stolen bag, there is a cry of 'hey.' or something similar from one of the crowd, prompting Spooner to think the robot had taken the bag. As the robot had not, why did the man yell?

Answer: That was probably just an arbitrary cry that came from the crowed, or the running robot could have just ran into someone.

Kirill Ostapenko

1st Aug 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Question: After Spooner explains how much of his body is robotic, the woman asks what it was like when he went back to work. He starts to explain, then starts describing the accident with the truck and the girl. I'm a bit confused. Was this where his arm and lung were damaged, or did this happen after he received his bionic appendage?

Answer: Although not clearly explained, Spooner lost his left arm and lung during the accident.

Kirill Ostapenko

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