Kirill Ostapenko

4th Jun 2005

I, Robot (2004)

Question: As Detective Spooner looks down on the street and sees the robot running with what he assumes to be a stolen bag, there is a cry of 'hey.' or something similar from one of the crowd, prompting Spooner to think the robot had taken the bag. As the robot had not, why did the man yell?

Answer: That was probably just an arbitrary cry that came from the crowed, or the running robot could have just ran into someone.

Kirill Ostapenko

1st Aug 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Question: After Spooner explains how much of his body is robotic, the woman asks what it was like when he went back to work. He starts to explain, then starts describing the accident with the truck and the girl. I'm a bit confused. Was this where his arm and lung were damaged, or did this happen after he received his bionic appendage?

Answer: Although not clearly explained, Spooner lost his left arm and lung during the accident.

Kirill Ostapenko

Question: Fairly techie question - during the attack on Zion a HUGE mass of sentinels breaks into the dock, and forms separate strands before making one huge stream and hitting the central control tower. This huge stream is being attacked from all angles and sentinels are dropping out as it moves. My question is, was this huge stream of squiddies created as one fairly generic blob to save time, or was it actually modelled as thousands of separate entities?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: If you look in the making of, the model appears to be one huge line where there are a few individual squids on the outside and in front.

Kirill Ostapenko

Question: How did they film the Coat Room shoot-out scene?

Answer: It was a real shot, with ropes and wires that held the actors upside down. There was a large amount of people in the back holding them upright, it's in the special feature.

Kirill Ostapenko

25th May 2004

One Hour Photo (2002)

Question: How did Sy know that William and Maya had ordered room service in the first place?

Answer: It's an easy assumption to make. And who wouldn't open the door to room service?

Kirill Ostapenko

27th Apr 2004

The Terminator (1984)

Question: After the T-800's infamous invasion of the police station, Reese and Sarah escape and the T-800 is unable to catch them. Reese and Sarah then hide in a tunnel overnight. The next time we see the T-800 is the following day, in his hideout scanning Sarah's address book. What has the T-800 been doing this whole time?

Deidra Goins

Chosen answer: He lost track of Sarah, so he went to look for her mother in order to find out the location of Sarah.

Kirill Ostapenko

14th Apr 2004

The Mask (1994)

Question: When Stanley is driving the old banger of a car he got while his was being fixed, it is running very badly, but you see it keeps braking and the tyres screech. Why would the car keep braking like that?


Chosen answer: Its just a sound effect. A car can brake like that if it has worn, uneven pads.

Kirill Ostapenko

Question: When Edward kills Kim's (ex) boyfriend, we see Kim run to the window after him, there is blood on her arm. Where did it come from?

Answer: The blood came from another wound on Jim's body. Edward did cut him on his arm and he does fall back onto Kim so she could have gotten some blood onto her dress that way.

Answer: Probably from her brother's cuts.

Kirill Ostapenko

Question: What exactly is this "life force" Neo sees after Bane blinds him?

Answer: It is the connection he has to the Source. Like when he sees the Machine City and the Sentinels.

Kirill Ostapenko

Question: I've never understood how the humans have such hi-tech technology. All of the hovercraft, APUs etc. How did they get them in the first place? The way I understand it is that the machines and the humans had a massive war at some point in the early 21st century (according to Morpheus) and, although the war is still going on now, the machines have effectively won. Humans forced into one city underground and the machines with all their...machines. I don't understand how the humans can use hovercraft, guns, etc. when surely they would have all had to have been made while they were in their little city.

Sam Johnson

Chosen answer: If you watch the Animatrix it explains the whole plot, half of the machinery was constructed in Zion, while all the hovercraft's are what remains from the day before the war, and the APUs look like they have been constructed in Zion and used for construction, the guns and ammo packs are mountable.

Kirill Ostapenko

Question: Why is it that in such a highly technological society, the humans must do with a group of APUs shooting two machine guns and a large tower firing several other machine guns. Why don't they have something like tank shells or impact grenades as they seem like they would be a lot more destructive power?

Answer: The APU use tank piercing bullets that are more suited then projectiles. And an invasion straight into the dock was never thought of.

Kirill Ostapenko

Question: The oracle says something about rogue programs attempting to avoid deletion. Does this mean programs on the Mainframe (the source) computer for the machines attempt to escape deletion by entering the Matrix?


Chosen answer: The obsolete programs who are believed to have a consciousness avoid being deleted by hiding in the Matrix.

Kirill Ostapenko

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