Movies people most want to f**k - page 64

Women | Men |

The percentages are how often people have chosen f**k, marry or kill for a given option. Click the column headers to change the order. Click a movie to vote on it.

1891 Bandits


1892 Basic Instinct 2

Basic Instinct 2

1893 Ben-Hur


1894 Cannonball Run II

Cannonball Run II

1895 Congo


1896 The Day the Earth Stood Still

The Day the Earth Stood Still

1897 The Dish

The Dish

1898 Dreamcatcher


1899 The Exorcist III

The Exorcist III

1900 Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Fast Times at Ridgemont High

1901 Finding Neverland

Finding Neverland

1902 Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights

1903 Get Smart

Get Smart

1904 Goosebumps


1905 Hannibal Rising

Hannibal Rising

1906 Heat


1907 Jackass: The Movie

Jackass: The Movie

1908 Kingpin


1909 Leprechaun Returns

Leprechaun Returns

1910 Little Big League

Little Big League

1911 The Longest Yard

The Longest Yard

1912 Midnight Madness

Midnight Madness

1913 The Monuments Men

The Monuments Men

1914 Pirates of Silicon Valley

Pirates of Silicon Valley

1915 The Rat Pack

The Rat Pack

1916 Shaft


1917 Threshold


1918 Twister


1919 Zorro, the Gay Blade

Zorro, the Gay Blade

1920 Battle Royale

Battle Royale

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