Best movie mistake pictures of 1996

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Continuity mistake: In the scene with Sinbad and Howard in the radio place, Sinbad gets enraged, then throws the package (thought to be a bomb) and Howard hits the deck. The package lands at Howard's head, but in the next shot, it's way over to his left.

More Jingle All the Way mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Early in the film, Michael talks to Harry Boland on a boat. During this scene, a cigarette appears in Boland's mouth that was not in the previous shot. (00:40:40)

Cubs Fan

More Michael Collins mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Emma and Mr Knightley kiss for the first time near the end, they are both tilting their heads to the right when the camera angle is from Emma's perspective. Then, the instant the camera changes to Mr Knightley's perspective, they are suddenly tilting their heads to the left.

More Emma mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the first sequence, when Victoria Dahl falls from a cliff, several shots show her from above and from the same level as she clings to Dick Steele's hand and starts to fall, then a last shot shows her from below as she wags her arms in an attempt to reach the water safely. In the first shots she is wearing sandals with block heels, whereas in the shot from below she (perhaps a stunt-woman) is wearing flats. (00:03:50 - 00:04:18)

More Spy Hard mistake pictures

Other mistake: As Plisken escapes in the hijacked chopper, Quervo Jones picks up a bazooka and prepares to fire on it. As Fast Eddy shoots him through the chest, watch the bazooka. You can see right through the barrel. In other words, there is no ammo in the weapon. (01:25:05)

More Escape From L.A. mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Jennifer Tilly is thrown down on a bed wearing a black leather jacket, she sits up immediately and in that shot she isn't wearing the jacket. Very obvious.

More Bound mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During the "Midnight Express" scene, Chip opens his shirt and presses his chest against the glass. The shot moves to Steven, and as we pan back to Chip, he is sitting, phone in hand, with his shirt buttoned. (01:09:05)

More The Cable Guy mistake pictures
More Dragonheart mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Diana is about to jump off the plane onto the galloping horse, her hair moves wildly. When the shot changes, she has been replaced by a stunt who looks nothing like her and has her hair fixed.


More The Phantom mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When David goes into the Dodson Hotel to look for Eddie, the glass door he enters through is completely normal. When he runs out chasing Eddie, he goes out the same entrance and this time the right glass door has a huge hole and is shattered. (00:47:40 - 00:49:35)


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Continuity mistake: When Waldman is telling his wife Alice how disgusting her dog is, the way he holds his spoon keeps changing between cuts.

More The Long Kiss Goodnight mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Otter Bob holds out a bottle of liquor at Isaiah after he kills a bear. In the close-up, Bob is holding the bottle by the neck. In the wide shot, he's holding it by the body.

More The Cherokee Kid mistake pictures

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