Best movie continuity mistakes of 1963

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Claws in the Lease picture

Continuity mistake: During the lunch scene at the dump, you can see there is a spoon by Sylvester Junior's plate when Sylvester deals out the food. In the next shot, the spoon has disappeared, and in the shot after that, it is back again.

More Claws in the Lease continuity mistakes
Goliath and the Sins of Babylon picture

Continuity mistake: Goliath's two new friends grab him by the arms and carry him between the horses to escape from the guards; as the bad guys give chase, there's no consistency between shots regarding the shadows; they gallop through shadow areas that are entirely exposed to the sun when the baddies are coming, and vice versa. (00:08:00)


More Goliath and the Sins of Babylon continuity mistakes
The Incredible Journey picture

Continuity mistake: Before the bear attack, the quail Tao hunts is male. After the bear attack, when he goes to pick it up, it's male, but as he brings it to Bodger to eat it is female. (00:25:50 - 00:29:56)

More The Incredible Journey continuity mistakes
Carry On Jack picture

Continuity mistake: Mr Angel is ordered to clear the gangplank of women. However the women change between shots in number and are totally different appearance wise.

More Carry On Jack continuity mistakes

Continuity mistake: When Crash McDash starts banging on the prison doors, wanting to come back in, the doors have rivets on them. But in a full length view of the prison in the next shot, the rivets have gone.

More Coming Out Party continuity mistakes
The Running Man picture

Continuity mistake: Rex takes off in the experimental glider, which detaches its wheels onto the runway as soon as it's airborne. When the camera angle changes, the plane is still at the same height, but the dropped wheel assembly has disappeared from the tarmac. (00:23:00)

Jean G

More The Running Man continuity mistakes
The Million Hare picture

Continuity mistake: When Bugs and Daffy leave the Emergency Hospital, Bugs has a bandage around his head and on his face, but when he emerges from the lift at the TV studios, the bandages have disappeared.

More The Million Hare continuity mistakes
Devil's Feud Cake picture

Continuity mistake: When Yosemite Sam attempts to attack Bugs in the Ben Hare sequence, Bugs says that Sam has flipped his lid and runs off. Sam then runs after Bugs and there is nothing in his hand, but when Sam runs down the stairs to the lions' den, he is now holding a sword.

More Devil's Feud Cake continuity mistakes
Love Is a Ball picture Love Is a Ball mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When John Davis is approached at the beginning of the movie, he is sitting at a bar table. Depending on the camera angle, he is resting his cheek against a closed fist or his thumb. (00:04:00)


More Love Is a Ball continuity mistakes
Carry On Cabby picture

Continuity mistake: When we first see pintpot driving the taxi (just before he nearly runs over the man) in the shots from inside the taxi they are driving along a tree lined road, but in the exterior shots they are driving along a road with houses on both sides.

More Carry On Cabby continuity mistakes
Irma la Douce picture

Continuity mistake: When Nestor is Count X, Irma gives him a very-red lipsticked kiss on his right cheek. But, later, in the cafe, the redness has reduced a lot, then gets redder again, and then less, then more.


More Irma la Douce continuity mistakes
Voyage to the End of the Universe picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie the spaceship has three runabouts affixed to the bottom of the hull. The middle one is used to travel to an unknown spaceship and is blown up. Immediate subsequent shots of the outside of the spaceship show the middle runabout missing. But after a while, outside shots show all three again nestled in their bays.


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