The Insider

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Continuity mistake: At one point about three-quarters of the way through the movie, when Lowell Bergman (Al Pacino) and Don Hewitt (Philip Baker Hall) are talking, watch in the background as a certain lady walks past after Don says something. When we cut back to him he says something else, but the same woman in the background appears and walks exactly in the same direction, just like in the previous cut. (01:52:35)

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Sharon Tiller: Get some perspective, Lowell.
Lowell Bergman: I got perspective.
Sharon Tiller: No, you do not.
Lowell Bergman: From my perspective, what's been going on and what I've been doing is ridiculous. It's half-measures.
Sharon Tiller: You're not listening. Really know what you're gonna do before you do it.

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