Best adventure movie visible crew/equipment of 2008

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Dr. Irina Spalko is descending the cliff, you can briefly see the harness cable that is holding her up right next to the rope on which she is climbing down.

More Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull visible crew/equipment
Iron Man picture Iron Man mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the extra footage after the credits, the reflection of the crew is visible in the picture frames around the apartment.

More Iron Man visible crew/equipment
Nim's Island picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Alexandra is being harassed by the hagglers, she gets into a man's truck after he tells her he knows where to take her. As the truck drives out of the shot the camera is reflected in the window.


More Nim's Island visible crew/equipment
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Caspian enters Miraz's room at night during the castle raid, there is one shot where Caspian is standing over Miraz in bed. The shadow of a camera is visible on Caspian's shoulder.

More The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian visible crew/equipment
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor picture The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Crew member's head is visible in the mirror at the back of the room, when Evelyn is playing with a sword. The head in the reflection turns and he smiles, as she jumps off the desk and moves out of frame. (00:16:00)

More The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor visible crew/equipment
Sex Drive picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the GTO is driving to Knoxville, there are a few shots of the GTO passing other cars. When we see the black convertible with 2 girls in it, look in the black paintwork and you can see the camera boom clear as day. (00:35:45)


More Sex Drive visible crew/equipment
Death Race picture

Visible crew/equipment: When 14k's navigator is killed by the Dreadnought's wheel spikes, it shreads the car's bodywork. When the camera zooms in on 14 through this hole, the camera shadow can be seen next to the hole. (01:13:00)


More Death Race visible crew/equipment
City of Ember picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the first appearance of the giant mole, the leg of a crewmember/puppeteer is visible at the creature's hind end.

More City of Ember visible crew/equipment
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Kumar peels out backwards at the whorehouse, you can see the tow line attached to the undercarriage go slack. It disappears when the camera angle changes. It's also a revealing mistake in that it shows how they were able to do the stunt with the actors in the car. (01:15:20)


More Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay visible crew/equipment
Jumper picture

Visible crew/equipment: After they enter the Colosseum in Rome, you get a wide shot of the Colosseum. On the left you see two guys: one is standing behind what appears to be a camera, and the other one is crouching.

More Jumper visible crew/equipment
Transporter 3 picture

Visible crew/equipment: After the Audi that was chasing Frank goes in to the gorge, Frank rolls down his window to look down at the wreckage; as Frank is doing that, look in to the chrome of the outside mirror - you can see the reflection of the camera. (01:00:20)


More Transporter 3 visible crew/equipment
Journey to the Center of the Earth picture Journey to the Center of the Earth mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Trevor is outside in the street greeting Sean as he sits in the car, Sean then gets out of the vehicle. As he gets out and stands by the car talking to Trevor, you can see a large white reflecting board reflected in the backseat door, behind Sean. (00:05:05)


More Journey to the Center of the Earth visible crew/equipment
The Gamers: Dorkness Rising picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Brother Silence/Cass leaves the house after finishing the campaign at the end of the movie, he opens the front door to leave and there is a glass door/screen there outside the house. For a second you can see a crew member holding the boom mike in the reflection of the glass door. (01:28:10)


More The Gamers: Dorkness Rising visible crew/equipment
2012: Doomsday picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the camera pans backwards while they're in the woods embracing, you can see the dolly track for the camera at the bottom of the screen. (00:45:00)

More 2012: Doomsday visible crew/equipment

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