Best movie mistake pictures of 1940

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Continuity mistake: After the opening shot of Spunky and Hunky walking, they are shown grazing on some grass. Spunky sucks up a flower and then turns his attention to a dandelion. When he does, it cuts to a close up, and suddenly the dandelion has gotten much bigger, and the surroundings of Spunky change up quite a bit. (00:00:50)

Quantom X

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Continuity mistake: When Jiminy shows us Geppetto's place, there's a toy soldier next to a camel. From the opposite angle the soldier is now a giraffe. Seconds later, after he warms himself up, he looks at the window and there're two giraffes on the left, while the toys on the right are totally different.


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Continuity mistake: When Mickey hides Pluto in his suitcase, the entire handle to the suitcase breaks off and Mickey tosses away the handle. This handle reappears unbroken when Mickey takes Pluto out of the suitcase and then quickly hides him again, though it's broken again in following shots. Then at the end, when Pete tosses both suitcases off the train Mickey's suitcase has the broken handle, but when it lands on Mickey and Pluto the handle reappears unscathed once again.

Super Grover

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Continuity mistake: When Ellen tells her mother-in-law about her whereabouts in the Indian Ocean, Irene Dunn's hand is held high up on the column, and at the base in the following shot. (00:09:35)


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